!! DNI Criteria/BYI !!

welcome to hell

!! DNI Criteria/Do Not Mention !!Bigots (racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc.)
Proshippers, zoophiles, maps
Dream stans
CallMeCarson fans
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
People who like Jeffery Dahmer for some reason
People under 13, people over 25 (makes exceptions)

!! BYI !!I make NSFW + kms/kys jokes (if you tell me not to joke like this around you I will!)
Please respect my trigger and squick list. I will block you if you intentionally do not.
I make suggestive art, so do not follow my art accounts if you don't like seeing that.
My mood shifts very very often, so if I seem stressed or upset it most likely isn't towards you.
Be prepared to be overloaded with oc lore if you interact.